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Monday, 26 May 2014

Where to buy Varsity Textbooks in South Africa

Where to buy Varsity textbooks in South Africa

Profgrad has researched where it is that students buy there textbooks. Is it better to buy a new textbook at a reputable store or buy a second hand textbook? Where do you start looking for a textbook?

Universities all over South Africa prescribe different textbooks for different courses. As any student knows, textbooks can become very expensive.  Course content is always being updated and for this reason texbooks can become outdated from one year to the next. Profgrad will discuss the major chains selling new textbooks as well as where and how to buy second hand textbooks.

One of the bigger Bookstore chains in South Africa is Van Schaiks Bookstore, calling themselves the official Unisa bookseller. This bookstore will usually have the majority of the textbooks prescribed by the universities which will save you time but not necessarily money. From a convenience point of view, the bigger bookstore chains are definitely the way to go. For more information about what you can find in a bookstore such as Van Schaiks, visit their website. Prices are usually not available online so it would be difficult to do comparisons on prices without visiting the store.

Another big Bookstore Chain in South Africa is Protea. They however offer both new textbooks as well as second hand books for Unisa and Tukkies. Students often go for this option as they do not know where to start looking for second hand textbooks. This can still be expensive as the bookstore will be an intermediary between the seller and buyer. As selling and buying of textbooks is a business to these stores, a profit will be made for this service. For more information around the books available visit their website.

Second Hand Textbooks – Is it worth it buying second hand textbooks, even if it does mean you will save a lot. Authors are constantly updating their textbooks and newer versions are almost available every year. Universities update their requirements just as often to include the changes in minor details from one version to the next. This could be a disadvantage when buying second hand textbooks as the newest version is not always available second hand. This could include information that might be in a test that could be detrimental to you and as a result, you could end up making a career from being a student. There are many places to find second hand textbooks such as social network sites. Below is a site that profgrad found very helpful.

Would you prefer a new or a second hand textbook?

Monday, 19 May 2014

Safety and Security of students in South Africa

Safety and Security of students in South Africa

Over the past few weeks there have been a few incidents involving students around the country and the safety near universities. Profgrad would like to discuss these incidents and make students aware of the safety issues in modern day South Africa.

Thirty students and five chaperones from the United States of America came to South Africa to further their studies, travel the country and learn more about our various cultures and heritage. It is always assumed that people traveling from the United States of America to South Africa will have money. It is assumptions like this which could make South Africa an extremely dangerous place to be in. In South Africa unemployment is high and poverty is an epidemic. Is it acceptable that in modern day South Africa, foreign students are victims of criminal activities?

The next incident occurred after one of South Africa’s beloved games, rugby. It was the final of the varsity cup. This is a tournament which comprises of universities competing to become the champions. After an unanticipated ending the champions were crowned and the celebrations began. Later that evening a fight broke out between players of the various teams. The video footage is rather disturbing. This could upset sensitive viewers.  Is this the way students in South Africa should behave?

The last incident discussed on this blog took place in Stellenbosch South Africa. Stellenbosch has always been famous for being safe, secure and picturesque. This all changed for one of the female students studying at Maties. In the blink of an eye, the female student was kidnapped. This student’s life has changed forever. This student never wanted to be kidnapped. This student merely went about her business and was living a normal student life when things changed so quickly. Should students be expected to write tests after dark?

The incidents above all occurred in a few short weeks after each other and now the question is simple. Are students safe in South Africa?

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

After years of studying you will most probably be indebted in the form of a student loan,,

Profgrad has taken the time to research and find FUN ways to pay off your student loan. Travel the world while working on board is the slogan of a website designed to inform people like you of the opportunities available.  There are many different places to see whilst working on the Cruise Ships. A wide variety of countries can be toured. Seeing different cultures, making new acquaintances, gaining working experience are only some of the few advantages of working on board.

Cruise2Work gives information on:
Ship life on board
This will discuss all the different aspects of Life as a crew member on board. What to eat, where you’ll sleep and who to meet.
Job opportunities
There are many different jobs available in retail, accounting and photography just to name a few. A wide variety of industries exist on board a cruise ship.
See all the different cruise ship routes and destinations of countries all over the world.
Cruise Lines
View different Cruise Liners of all kinds and sizes.

This site gives all this free of charge. Should you not find what you are looking for on this website, a blog is available with an expert to answer any questions and queries you might have.
Have a look at this site and tell us what you think.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Profgrad is proud to have opened its blog, bringing the latest information and news to all current and future professional graduates